We went to Karaoke Night at Opus on Sunday..I was a little skeptical, but the people here can really sing...and with some persuading Shannon and Athena got up there to sing..and of course Seema was in the background dacing away....
This was one hot drink..It had 5 different types of alcohol in it..And yes it was from the Hard Rock Cafe.. We go there a lot..It is quite interesting when we walk in they know us by name..
Some of the Waitors there brought there Cameras so they could take pictures of us Dancing and Drinking..They always say we are a lot of fun..and can't wait for us to come back the next time.
Athena, Shannon, Lisa and myself decided to be a local..WE got henna or they call it Mehendi..It is very traditional here. It is very cool..after it dries it turns colors..They say the darker it is the more you are in love with your partner...I must Really be in love cause it is Really dark..
I always wanted a tatoo on my neck..maybe now I will actually do it for real..cause it looks quite nice.
We decided to go to the SPA on a Saturday..I had a facial and a Pedicure..This is what it looks like..Kinda looks like my face is melting..But the end result was amazing...I don't think that my skin has ever been that soft.
We visited the Shiva Temple. It was very nice. We had to take our shoes off.. and crazy me I had to take a picture of my socks. Should have taken a picture of what they looked like when we were done walking around..I threw them away..that should pretty much say it all..
COBRA..yes I said Cobra..The locals walk around with them the way we walk our dogs at home.. They are in my opinion GROSS..and the people that carry them around have got to be crazy..( or from another country) The guy wanted us to hold the snake...SORRY..wasnt going to...
Go Figure...We are in the Trash Can of the Earth and they have these penguins to throw your trash in.. I don't think that anyone uses them cause there is garbage everywhere. I mean everywhere. ( Not quite sure why they thought a penguine..since it is so fricken hot here..Doesn't really go)
This was the coolest thing..It is one Huge Tree.. There are monkeys everywhere. When we got out of the car they smelled the bananas and were immediately jumpping on the car. The monkeys would take the bananas right out of your hand.
We went out for Supper on Friday night..at the Hard Rock Cafe..This was one of the servers that was there..He was a lot of fun and he had some Frickin cool Hair...
So after a long day of shopping for shoes, we decided we needed to have a drink at the local PUB..It really reminded me of BUCKS..There were people dancing and the music was really loud, but for some reason we still had a good time...huh go figure..
We went out with the Team leads on Saturday night..they are a lot of fun and we found out that we ( Shannon and myself) have a lot in common with them..It was the only time that I have ever sang a song in a Hard Rock Cafe...
Yes we did...Mithat brought his WII with him, so the first night that we were here we had a WII tournament..it was a lot of fun and it really helped us with the transition...Made us feel like we were at home...However for some reason I lost...Guess I will have to practice more...
This is the Sign outside the UNISYS building in Bangalore, the building in huge and there is security that checks your bag on the way in and the way out. ( Makes me feel safe at least) The other picture is the training room we are in (I wasn't suupose to take my camera in..But I did)Since we walk to work for the next week, the other picture is the walkway that we walk thru when we walk to work. It is really the only "safe" way to cross the street. There is so much traffic here and they don't really watch for people walking..and we would get ran over by the massive amounts of traffic...